LUXE City Guides
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Hello Gorgeous: Annabel Brooks

Considered the ‘go-to girl for the finest places to stay worldwide’ by Vanity Fair on Travel, with a client list that reads like the who’s who of London’s style set, Avenue Property owner Annabel Brooks is also the gospel of where to go in the Cotswolds (see her 48-hour guide for LUXE). She chats about her work, inspiration and travel.

What do you love about the work you do?

The chance to travel, to go wherever I want, when I want. To learn about other cultures and traditions, and to meet extraordinary people and to get the chance to share and help them promote their vision.

Best advice you’ve ever been given?

Be true to yourself, it will all go wrong if you are inauthentic to your own instincts.

Who’s your inspiration?

Someone who has done far more for the world than me, someone who has made huge sacrifices for the greater good of others. Aung San Suu Kyi

What are you reading?

I think I must have been Italian in another life, I love the language, food, movies, everything about Italy. Having absorbed Elena Ferrante’s four Neapolitan novels, I have just finished Days of Abandonment which is a devastatingly accurate account of the breakdown of a relationship in all its phases.

What are you wearing?

I live in jumpsuits by Isabel Marant as they can be dressed up or down.

48 hours in any city – which would you choose?

Mexico City as it’s the most exciting place on the planet – so many people have raved about it. I’m going in January.

Three destinations on your travel wish list?

Norway, as I went to Iceland last summer and now want to explore north as I am always going south!

Cuba, I have been before but I want to go again as I fear it might get ruined by mass tourism.

Leningrad. I love Tolstoy and Chekhov but I am scared their worlds have disappeared, so maybe Bhutan.

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